Monday, November 17, 2008


Scripture: Proverbs 27:1

“Oh my, look at that.” Oh my, look over there.” Oh my, that is the best color yet.” and so on through the day where the comments about the trees yellows, reds, oranges, and shades of green. The further North and east into Wisconsin we traveled on a warm, sunny October day, the leaves became brighter and more vibrant in their colors. It was just as we had hoped and expected as we began planning this trip with Lila’s sister and her husband back in May. I wore an orange polo shirt for the day and had a goal of standing in behind the orange tree leaves and blending in so as not to be seen. I was not disappointed when deep into the Wisconsin forest the perfect little tree with orange leaves was found the picture taken.

Today two goals were met that I had set and as they were accomplished it made for a good day. However, it would have been a good day even if neither had been met because the other sights and the fellowship made it a great day.

Reflection: Do I value a day for only what I planned to accomplish and forget to enjoy all of the day’s events?